1.担任《Science of the Total Environment》客座编委:负责专刊“Environmental impacts of agricultural plastic film mulching: Fate, consequences, and solutions”的派审工作
2.担任《Soil Ecology Letters》客座编委:负责专刊“Microplastics in agroecosystems”的论文派审工作
1.土壤碳循环过程与有机质形成与稳定机制:首次评估了土壤不同粒级组分中温室气体(CO2、N2O)排放/吸收对温度变化的响应,发现有机质分解的温度敏感性表现为:砂粒级<粉粒级<黏粒级,意味着粘质土壤有机碳分解对气候变暖比砂质土壤更敏感(Ding et al., PLoS ONE 2014; European Journal of Soil Science, 2018; Science of the Total Environment, 2019);发现草地开垦后30~100 cm土层有机碳的丧失是0~30 cm土层有机碳丧失的35%,表明可以利用表层土壤有机碳的变化推断出深层有机碳的变化,为IPCC评估土地利用变化报告提供参考(Ding et al. Plant Soil, 2013)。长期(28年)施氮肥只在覆膜条件下能增加土壤有机质,在不覆膜条件下甚至会减少有机质(Ding et al., Science of the Total Environment, 2022)。
2.地膜覆盖和微塑料的生态和环境效应:证实了地膜产生的微塑料通过土壤剖面可以迁移到深层土壤,地膜对0-100 cm剖面中微塑料总量的贡献为33%-56%(Li et al., Environment Pollution, 2022),该结果被搜狐等媒体报道;综述了地膜覆盖的生态与环境效应(Ding et al., Science of the Total Environment, 2022b;丁凡等,湖南生态科学学报, 2021);揭示了地膜覆盖对玉米植株对N和P的吸收机制(Ding et al. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2019);呼吁黑土地保护中要注意地膜残留与污染的问题(丁凡等,土壤通报, 2022),该论文被腾讯网媒体报道。
3.生物降解地膜的在农业上的应用和评价:提出关注可降解地膜本身参与的碳循环过程以及其固碳效应的新视角(Ding et al. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2021);比较了生物降解地膜与塑料地膜的农学效应,发现在提高土壤温度和玉米产量方面,生物降解地膜能达到塑料地膜相似的效果,在玉米品质方面生物降解地膜胜过塑料地膜(Wang et al., Science of the Total Environment, 2021);评价了覆盖两年的生物降解地膜对酶活性、微生物量、微生物群落结构的影响,发现生物降解地膜覆盖条件下土壤微生物活性有增强的趋势(李铭轩等,农科环境科学学报, 2022),该结果被网易等媒体转载。
1.ZhaojieJia, Dechang Ji, Mingxuan Li, HuangdongZang, Zhengyu Wang, Shitong Li, Jie Lu, Jingkuan Wang, Changrong Yan,Fan Ding*. 2023. Aboveground litter input is not important for soil microbes during the non-growing season.Journal of Soils and Sediments. doi: 10.1007/s11368-023-03450-w (影响因子: 3.812,中科院二区)
2.Fan Ding*, Davey L. Jones, David R. Chadwick, PilJoo Kim, Rui Jiang, and Markus Flury. 2022. Environmental impacts of agricultural plastic film mulch: Fate, consequences, and solutions."Science of the Total Environment836. (影响因子: 10.574,中科院一区)
3.Ji, Dechang,Fan Ding*, Feike A. Dijkstra, ZhaojieJia, Shuangyi Li, and Jingkuan Wang. 2022. Crop residue decomposition and nutrient release are independently affected by nitrogen fertilization, plastic film mulching, and residue type."European Journal of Agronomy138: 126535. (影响因子: 6.384,中科院一区)
4.Zhang, Zhiyong, Han Wang,Fan Ding*, Rutger A. Wilschut, ZhaojieJia, Xiaoke Zhang, Di Zhang, Sergio Rasmann, Sara Sánchez-Moreno, and Bingxue Li. 2022. Belowground plant inputs exert higher metabolic activities and carbon use efficiency of soil nematodes than aboveground inputs."Geoderma420: 115883. (影响因子: 7.444,中科院一区)
5.Shitong Li,Fan Ding*, Markus Flury, Zhan Wang, Li Xu, ShuangyiLi, Davey Jones, Jingkuan Wang. 2022. Macro- and microplastic accumulation in in soil after 32 years of plastic film mulching.Environment Pollution, 300, 118945 (影响因子: 10.366,中科院一区,被“农作未来”微信公众号和搜狐媒体转载,高被引论文)
6.Fan Ding*, Dechang Ji, Kang Yan, Feike A. Dijkstra, XuelianBao, Shuangyi Li, Yakov Kuzyakov, Jingkuan Wang*, 2022. Increased soil organic matter after 28 years of nitrogen fertilization only with plastic film mulching is controlled by maize root biomass.Science of the Total Environment10, 152244.(影响因子: 10.574,中科院一区,被“天然有机质研究情报”公众号转载)
7.Zhengyu Wang#, Mingxuan Li#, Markus Flury, Sean Schaeffer, Yi Chang, Zhao Tao, ZhaojieJia, Shitong Li,Fan Ding*, Jingkuan Wang, 2021.Agronomic performance of polyethylene and biodegradable plastic film mulches in a maize cropping system in a humid continental climate.Science of The Total Environment,786, 14746.(影响因子: 10.574,中科院一区)
8.Fan Ding*, Markus Flury, Sean M. Schaeffer, Yingde Xu, Jingkuan Wang 2021. Does long-term use of biodegradable plastic mulch affect soil carbon stock?Resources, Conservation & Recycling175, 105895.(影响因子: 13.543,中科院一区).
9.Fan Ding*, Shuangyi Li, Xiao-Tao Lü, Feike Dijkstra, Sean Schaeffer, Tingting An, Jiubo Pei, Liangjie Sun, Jingkuan Wang*. 2019.Opposite effects of nitrogen fertilization and plastic film mulching on crop N and P stoichiometry in a temperate agroecosystem.Journal of Plant Ecology. 12(4):682–692(影响因子: 2.674,中科院一区)
10.Fan Ding, Wenjuan Sun, Yao Huang. 2019.Net N2O production from soil particle size fractions and its response to changing temperature.Science of the Total Environment. 650: 97-104(影响因子: 10.574,中科院一区)
11.Yingde Xu,Fan Ding*, Xiaodan Gao, Ming Li, Yang Wang, Jingkuan Wang*. 2019.Mineralization of plant residues and native soil carbon as affected by soil fertility and residue type.Journal of Soils and Sediments. 19(3): 1407–1415(影响因子: 3.812,中科院二区)
12.Fan Ding, Wenjuan Sun, Yao Huang, Xunyu Hu. 2018.Larger Q10of carbon decomposition in finer soil particles does not bring long-lasting dependence of Q10on soil texture.European Journal of Soil Science. 69 (2): 336–347(影响因子:4.883,中科院一区)
13.Fan Ding, L Van Zwieten, W Zhang, ZH Weng, S Shi, J Wang, J Meng. 2018.A meta-analysis and critical evaluation of influencing factors on soil carbon priming following biochar amendment.Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18 (4): 1507–1517.(影响因子: 3.812,中科院二区)
14.Fan Ding, Huang Yao, Sun Wenjuan, Jiang Guang-Fu, Chen Yue. 2014.Decomposition of organic carbon in fine soil particles is likely more sensitive to warming than in coarse particles: An incubation study with temperate grassland and forest soils in Northern China.PLoS ONE. 9(4): e95348. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0095348.(影响因子: 3.24,中科院二区)
15.Fan Ding, Hu Ya-Lin, Li Lu-Jun, Li Ang, Shi Shengwei, Lian Pei-Yong, Zeng De-Hui. 2013.Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen stocks after conversion of meadow to cropland in Northeast China.Plant and Soil, 373: 659-672.(影响因子:4.993,中科院一区)
16.李铭轩,吉德昌,王政宇,徐英德,贾照杰,李诗彤,常艺,冯良山,张哲,冯晨,丁凡*,2022.生物降解地膜对土壤微生物丰度、活性及群落结构的影响农业环境科学学报.41(8):1758 -1767
17.贾照杰,吉德昌,陈飞,武立萍,李铭轩,于占波,丁凡*,2022.长期施磷对玉米和土壤C:N:P及有机质稳定性的影响,湖南生态科学学报. 9(4):10-18
18.丁凡,严昌荣,汪景宽,2022.黑土地保护中不容忽视的一个问题:地膜残留与污染.土壤通报.53(1): 234-240(被“土壤观察”公众号转载)
19.丁凡,吕军,刘勤,郭莹,何文清,王林,严昌荣,2021.我国棉花主产区变化与地膜残留污染研究.华中农业大学学报. 40(6)60-67.
20.丁凡,李诗彤,王展,冯良山,汪景宽,2021.塑料和可降解地膜的残留与降解及对土壤健康的影响:进展与思考.湖南生态科学学报. 8(03) 83-89(被行业网站“塑料资讯网”转载)
21.王庆鲁,祝鹏飞,丁凡*. 2020.地膜覆盖和有机肥施用对农田土壤和作物C、N、P化学计量学的影响.生态学杂志. 39(4): 1191-1197
22.葛丽炜,夏颖,刘书悦,程鑫,翟英博,丁凡*, 2018.热解温度和时间对马弗炉制备生物炭的影响.bat365中文官方网站学报. 49(1): 95-100.
23.丁凡,廉培勇,曾德慧. 2011.松嫩平原草甸三种植物叶片N、P化学计量特征及其与土壤N、P浓度的关系.生态学杂志, 30(1): 77-81.